We want to announce the Package ScottKnott now implemented at CRAN. The package uses the SkottKnott clustering algorithm to perform multiple comparison tests of means using the following experimental designs: Completely Randomized Design (CRD); Factorial Experiment (FE); Latin Squares Design (LSD); Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD); Split-Plot Experiment (SPE); Split-Split-Plot Experiment (SPE). One of the great qualities of this test is that it produces no overlapping whatsoever so that the groups of means are always mutually exclusive. The results will appear in both the usual way (using letters to name the groups) and in a graphical way using thermometers with different colours for each group. The package was written by Enio Jelihovschi, José Claudio Faria and Sérgio Oliveira all at State University of Santa Cruz (Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz UESC), Brazil The maintener is Enio Jelihovschi e-mail - eniojelihovs@gmail.com The authors are deeply indebted to Gabor Grothendieck for his help in the writing of some crucial parts of the code. Many thanks to him. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]