The following code used to work on an earlier version of ggplot2. But it gives me an error now. qplot(Year,CDR,data=b3,colour=Phase,geom=c("point","line"))->p p+scale_colour_gradient2(limits=c(1,3), midpoint=2,low="magenta", mid="darkgreen", high="blue")->p (print(p,pretty=F)->p) print(p,pretty=F)->p The error is: Error in ggplotGrob(x, ...) : unused argument(s) (pretty = FALSE) In fact, I get the same error when I run the following code from Hadley's site. p <- qplot(wt, mpg, data=mtcars, colour=cyl) grid.newpage() pushViewport(viewport(height=0.4, width=0.4, x=0.4, y=0.8)) print(p, newpage=FALSE, pretty=FALSE) Is there some other way of doing "pretty=FALSE" in the new version of ggplot2? Vikas Rawal [[alternative HTML version deleted]]