On Jan 15, 2009, at 9:27 PM, jimdare wrote:
> Dear R-Users
> I have 2 questions to do with XYplot.
> 1)
> I am trying to use the XYplot function to generate multiple line
> graphs with
> the legend outside the plot.
> I am using the following loop for each graph:
> library(lattice)
> for (i in x.sp){
> xyplot(Catch~Year, df, groups = Stock, type="a",auto.key >
list(space = "top", points = FALSE, lines = TRUE,columns = 4))
> }
From the help on package lattice:
High level Lattice functions (like xyplot) are different from
conventional R graphics functions because they don't actually draw
anything. Instead, they return an object of class "trellis" which has
to be then printed or plotted to create the actual plot. This is
normally done automatically, but not when the high level functions are
called inside another function (most often source) or other contexts
where automatic printing is suppressed (e.g. for or while loops). In
such situations, an explicit call to print or plot is required."
Or the FAQ:
> When I run the script I don't get any output graphs, however if I
> change
> 'XYplot' to 'plot', or generate the plots manually using
XYplot, It
> seems to
> work. Is there a bug of some sort or is it me?
It's you.
> 2)
> How do I remove the "top" and "right" axis from a plot?
If I add
> 'axis(side
> = c("bottom", "left")' to the xyplot call it comes
up with the
> message:
> Error in axis(side = c("bottom", "left")) :
> plot.new has not been called yet
see at the top of the axis help page:
"axis {graphics}" so axis is not part of lattice
Had you continued reading the next sentence in the lattice intro help
page, you would have seen:
"Lattice plots are highly customizable via user-modifiable settings.
However, these are completely unrelated to base graphics settings; in
particular, changing par() settings usually have no effect on lattice
And chapter 8 of:
Best of luck and buy Sarkar's book.
David Winsemius
> Any help is much appreciated :)
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