Ladies and gentlemen,
this email is directed to all German-speaking members of the r-help list.
We from the chair of statistics and quantitative methods on the Catholic
University of Eichst?tt-Ingolstadt, Germany, are searching for a new
colleague. You will find the corresponding job offer in the attachment.
If you are interested, please don?t shy and send us your application on the
address, called in the attachment.
You can also find the job offer on
Yours sincerely,
Holger K?mm
Holger K?mm
holger.koemm at
LSQM - Lehrstuhl f?r Statistik und Quantitative Methoden
Prof. Dr. Ulrich K?sters
Auf der Schanz 49
85049 Ingolstadt
Fon: +49 841 937-1847
Fax: +49 841 937-1965
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