Fernando Bizuet
2008-Dec-13 01:00 UTC
[R] how can I change the format attribute of POSIXct class
Hello, I have a POSIXct column in a dataframe, but when I change the value assigment (for instance, VencimientosxDia$fe_ini_ope <- as.Date(fecha) ) automatically change the format attribute with "2008-12-01 06:00:00". How can I drop the hh:mm:ss from format attribute?> str(VencimientosxDia)'data.frame': 1 obs. of 17 variables: $ Id : int 7471 $ idSimulacion: int 0 $ fe_corte : POSIXct, format: "2008-11-30" # I want this format $ fe_ini_ope : POSIXct, format: "2008-12-01 06:00:00" # R changes to "yyyy-mm-dd hh:MM:ss" $ fe_ven_ope : POSIXct, format: "2008-12-01" $ plazo : int 1 $ imp_ope : num 8e+06 Thanks in advance [[alternative HTML version deleted]]