Hello! I am pretty new to R statistics and trying to figure out how to show the barplot and the single data points in one single plot. I am using the tplot code from the following site for showing the single datapoints: biostat.mc.vanderbilt.edu/twiki/pub/Main/TatsukiRcode TatsukiRcodeTplot.r I have two sets of data (x,y) that I want to compare, by plotting a Barplot and the single data points. Unfortunately they are shifted, so that the data points are not right on top of the bars. The code I used for plotting the data: x<-c(835,728,2281,1049,1574,1340,621) y<-c(466,922,2647,914,1342,998,655) aver<-c(mean(x),mean(y)) barplot(aver,col=0,ylim=range(0,2750)) tplot(x,y,add=TRUE,axes=FALSE) I would be grateful, if someone could tell me, what the problem (and hopefully the solution) might be! Thank you very much!