Aaron Tarone
2008-Dec-05 00:35 UTC
[R] making sense of posterior statistics in the deal package
Hello, I'm doing bayesian network analyses with the deal package. I am at a loss for how to interpret output from the analysis (i.e. what is a good score, what is a bad score, which stats tell me what about the network edges/nodes). Here is an example node with its posterior scores for all parent nodes. ------------------------------------------------------------ Conditional Posterior: Yp1| 3 4 5 6 9 11 12 15 18 [[1]] [[1]]$tau [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [1,] 138.0000000 -201.944190 -61.827901 -29.5419149 11.7780877 -56.1691436 [2,] -201.9441898 379.014299 101.336606 49.2886631 -9.5976678 99.0119458 [3,] -61.8279013 101.336606 55.301879 18.3175413 0.4718180 31.7741275 [4,] -29.5419149 49.288663 18.317541 18.5074653 0.7297184 14.7963722 [5,] 11.7780877 -9.597668 0.471818 0.7297184 11.9705940 -0.1152971 [6,] -56.1691436 99.011946 31.774127 14.7963722 -0.1152971 33.0750507 [7,] 11.8398168 -11.819652 2.372613 2.4241871 8.3525307 -0.5909911 [8,] -15.8233513 27.136706 13.261521 10.3380918 5.2238205 10.7721059 [9,] -63.0844071 112.477658 36.867027 18.7342207 1.8345119 32.6573681 [10,] -0.9125676 0.892410 3.995155 3.3759532 5.2495044 4.8010982 [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [1,] 11.8398168 -15.823351 -63.084407 -0.9125676 [2,] -11.8196521 27.136706 112.477658 0.8924099 [3,] 2.3726129 13.261521 36.867027 3.9951552 [4,] 2.4241871 10.338092 18.734221 3.3759532 [5,] 8.3525307 5.223821 1.834512 5.2495044 [6,] -0.5909911 10.772106 32.657368 4.8010982 [7,] 11.7576987 5.339882 1.364748 4.5801216 [8,] 5.3398823 17.269931 14.659995 6.8871204 [9,] 1.3647480 14.659995 43.586099 4.5549556 [10,] 4.5801216 6.887120 4.554956 11.1188844 [[1]]$phi [1] 5.395758 [[1]]$mu [1] -0.151400686 0.459786917 -0.091988847 -0.009952914 0.074523419 [6] 0.215198198 -0.010968581 -0.026347501 0.423837846 -0.018999184 [[1]]$rho [1] 147 Any help you can give me is greatly appreciated. Aaron Tarone ______________________________________ Aaron Tarone Postdoctoral Research Associate Molecular and Computational Biology Program University of Southern California atarone at usc.edu (213) 740-3063