<Alexander.Herr <at> csiro.au> writes:
> Hi List,
> I am unable to read in a 7.8Gb ascii grid using readAsciiGrid {maptools} -
runs out of memory. I have 4Gb ram> and 4Gb swap, so things are getting tight.
This function is written for small rasters only, and is not suited to data of
this size.
> I am wondering if anyone has alternative options (preferably with example)
that enable to read in large> grids, do some calculations and save a new grid?
Use rgdal, preferably using a tiled approach, leaving at least 75% of your
memory free initially, because operations on the tile will result in copies.
See several threads on R-sig-geo on handling large data sets, including one at:
Also visit the raster package on R-Forge, which may offer a packaged solution to
Roger Bivand
> I am running linux 64bit on opensuse11 and R 2.8.0
> Thanx
> Herry