The main difference I saw between your two graphs was the stacking,
which you can obtain by stack=TRUE in lattice. I'm not sure what
cosmetic issues you had in mind. Perhaps you can try this,
> barchart(y~dfb|dfyr,dataf,layout=c(3,1),stack=T,ylim=c(0, 2.7),
> groups=dfa, strip = strip.custom(var.name="year",
> strip.names = c(TRUE, TRUE)),
> scales=list(x=list(rot=0), y=list(axs="i", at=seq(0,
> by=0.5))),
> par.settings=list(axis.text=list(font=2,cex=0.75),
> par.ylab.text=list(font=2,cex=1.0),
> par.xlab.text=list(font=2,cex=1.0),
> par.main.text=list(font=2,cex=1.0)),
> xlab="b",
> ylab="y",auto.key = list(space="top",
> columns=length(levels(dataf$dfa))),
> main="A test lattice plot")
On 1 Dec 2008, at 18:30, ravi wrote:
> Hi,
> I like the formatting and the appearance of lattice plots. But I
> have not succeeded in gettting the right format in my plots with the
> lattice package in one of my applications. In the code shown below,
> I start by constructing a general data frame and show my attempts
> with the lattice package commands. After that, I use the graphics
> package and show the kind of plot that I want to get.
> I would like to know how the lattice commands can be modified to get
> the final plot that I have obtained with the graphics package. Any
> explanatory comments to understand better the modifications are most
> welcome.
> Here is my code :
> ##########################################################
> rm(list=ls())
> # make up a test data frame with 4 columns
> # factors in first 3 cols and a numeric in the 4th
> vec_a<-paste("A",1:4,sep=(''));na<-length(vec_a)
> vec_b<-paste("B",1:5,sep=(''));nb<-length(vec_b)
> fac_a<-factor(vec_a);fac_b<-factor(vec_b);fac_yr<-factor(yr)
> n<-na*nb*ny
> # y is the response variable
> y<-runif(n);y<-round(y,digits=1)
> dfa<-rep(fac_a,times=nb*ny)
> dfb<-rep(fac_b,each=na,times=ny)
> dfyr<-rep(fac_yr,each=na*nb)
> dataf<-data.frame(dfa=dfa,dfb=dfb,dfyr=dfyr,y=y);head(dataf)
> # dataf is the test data frame
> # First test with the lattice package
> library(lattice)
> barchart(y~dfb|dfyr,dataf,layout=c(3,1),beside=FALSE,
> groups=dfa,
> scales=list(x=list(rot=90)),
> par.settings=list(axis.text=list(font=2,cex=0.75),
> par.ylab.text=list(font=2,cex=1.0),
> par.xlab.text=list(font=2,cex=1.0),
> par.main.text=list(font=2,cex=1.0)),
> xlab="b",
> ylab="y",
> main="A test lattice plot")
> ## lattice code doesn't give the desired plot
> ## Next try with the graphics package
> ## Seems to be easier to get the desired plot
> ##First, some preprocessing of data
> df2007<-dataf[dfyr==2007,];df2008<-dataf[dfyr==2008,];df2009<-
> dataf[dfyr==2009,];
> y2007<-matrix(df2007$y,ncol=nb,nrow=na)
> y2008<-matrix(df2008$y,ncol=nb,nrow=na)
> y2009<-matrix(df2009$y,ncol=nb,nrow=na)
> ysmax<-ceiling(max(colSums(y2007),colSums(y2008),colSums(y2009)))+1
> ## Now, let's plot
> #### the combination of plots desired as a lattice plot
> col_choice=c("blue", "brown","lightgreen",
> par(mfrow=c(1,3),mar=c(5,5,5,2))
> barplot(y2007,col = col_choice,
> beside=F,xlab="fac_b",ylab="y",main="year
> font.axis=2,font.lab=2,cex.lab=1.5,cex.axis=1.2,ylim=c(0,ysmax))
> legend(x=1,y=ysmax,legend=vec_a,fill = col_choice)
> barplot(y2008,col = col_choice,
> beside=F,xlab="fac_b",main="year 2008",
> font.axis=2,font.lab=2,cex.lab=1.5,cex.axis=1.2,ylim=c(0,ysmax))
> barplot(y2009,col =col_choice,
> beside=F,xlab="fac_b",main="year 2009",
> font.axis=2,font.lab=2,cex.lab=1.5,cex.axis=1.2,ylim=c(0,ysmax))
> par(mfrow=c(1,1))
> ## Can we get the same plot with the lattice package?
> ## I would like to have the legend on the top in one row
> ##########################################################
> Thanking You,
> Ravi
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Baptiste Augui?
School of Physics
University of Exeter
Stocker Road,
Exeter, Devon,
Phone: +44 1392 264187