R-users-- I am wondering if the cumulative hazard is being correctly computed when evaluated using centered=FALSE. In the bazehaz code (from the survival package) (below), I think H <- H * exp(-bz0) should be H <- H * exp(bz0) function (fit, centered = TRUE) { if (!inherits(fit, "coxph")) stop("must be a coxph object") sfit <- survfit(fit) H <- -log(sfit$surv) strata <- sfit$strata if (!is.null(strata)) strata <- rep(names(strata), strata) if (!centered) { z0 <- fit$means bz0 <- sum(z0 * coef(fit)) H <- H * exp(-bz0) } if (is.null(strata)) return(data.frame(hazard = H, time = sfit$time)) else return(data.frame(hazard = H, time = sfit$time, strata = strata)) } Thanks, Dan