Hi Christina,
>> How can this happen? How can the p-values from the Tukey become
>> significant when the lme-model wasn't?
The link below, with an explanation by Prof. Fox is relevant to your
Another way to see the error of your ways is to fit your model using the
default treatment contrasts and then do a Dunnett post hoc using glht:
summary(glht(hc, linfct=mcp(CO2="Dunnett")))
Regards, Mark.
C.Schaedel wrote:>
> Hi everyone
> I'm using Tukey HSD as post-hoc test following a lme analysis. I'm
> measuring hemicelluloses in different species treated with three
> different CO2 concentrations (l=low, m=medium, h=high). The whole
> experiment is a split-plot design and the Tukey-function from the
> package multcomp is suitable for lme-analysis with random factors.
> The analysis works fine but I get a non significant lme-result and if I
> do a Tukey afterwards (I know that one usually does a Tukey following a
> significant anova-result) I get highly significant p-values for two
> multiple comparisons.
> How can this happen? How can the p-values from the Tukey become
> significant when the lme-model wasn't?
> the data are: d
> Species Block CO2 hemicell
> Ps a l 9.027363
> Ps b l 9.647537
> Ps a m 10.051916
> Ps b m 10.112294
> Ps a h 10.342162
> Ps b h 10.303091
> my lme model:
> anova(hc<-lme(asin(sqrt(0.01*hemicell))~CO2,random=~1|Block/CO2,data=d))
> numDF denDF F-value p-value
> (Intercept) 1 2 30403.248 <.0001
> CO2 2 2 8.051 0.1105
> Tukey with the lme-object:
> summary(glht(hc, linfct=mcp(CO2="Tukey")))
> yielding:
> Linear Hypotheses:
> Estimate Std. Error z value p value
> m - l == 0 0.012616 0.004317 2.922 0.00963 **
> h - l == 0 0.016590 0.004317 3.843 < 0.001 ***
> h - m == 0 0.003973 0.004317 0.920 0.62738
> ---
> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05
'.' 0.1 ' ' 1
> (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
> Thank you very much for your help
> Christina
> --
> Christina Sch?del
> Institute of Botany
> University of Basel
> Sch?nbeinstrasse 6
> CH-4056 Basel
> ph. +41 61 267 35 06
> fax +41 61 267 29 80
> E-Mail C.Schaedel at unibas.ch
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