Please show us what you get when you execute:
It is doubtful that either of your theories is correct. It's more
likely that spread is a more complex object than you realize. We need
to know what spread looks like to the R interpreter in the environment
where it is being called.
David Winsemius
Heritage Labs
On Nov 13, 2008, at 3:29 PM, irishmhw wrote:
> If anyone can assist with this problem you have my great thanks:
> I am trying to establish and plot confidence intervals on a
> bootstrapped
> function. I have a more complicated function that has no problems
> with
> determining the confidence intervals using the quantile command.
> This is
> outside the bootstrap portion of the code that is working fine it is
> just
> determining everything for the more complicated model, not even sure
> what
> the error is telling me.
>> spread <- expntl.dr(plot_k_list,pdose)
>> exp_CIs <- quantile(spread,probs=c(0.01,0.05,0.95,0.99))
> Error in order(list(bootdataframe.age = c(1.56064428047387e-09,
> 1.63862234892065e-09, :
> unimplemented type 'list' in 'orderVector1'
> I am not sure if this is problem with the quantile command trying to
> order
> the data or if the values in the spread are too close together.
> Thank you for any assistance you can offer.
> Mark
> --