i am doing some longitudinal modeling with sem and thought calculating some
"simple variables" would make my model more readable. this is the
subset of my model that illustrates the resulting problem.
i have 2 observed exogenous variables (c1, d2) and 4 observed endogenous
variables (dc1, dd1, dc2, dd2). c1 is the observed state at time 1, dc1 is
the change in c from time 1 to time 2 and dc2 is the change in c from time 2
to time 3. i want to predict dc1 and dd1 from both c1 and d1.
similarly i want to predict dc2 and dd2 from c2 and d2. to do this i
calculate c2 as a "simple variable" : an unobservable variable with
parameters (c2=c1+dc1) and 0 variance. this works with many formulations but
throws a singularity on others.
instead, where ever i use c2 i could just use c1 and dc1 coercing the
estimated parameters to be the same.
bellow are the two versions of this model, one calculating and using c2 as a
simple variable(ram.try2) and the other not(ram.try1).
it is likely i have just misunderstood something in the syntax or the
formulation. if someone could point me in the right direction i will
appreciate it!
yours aye, steven northway
# longitudinal data model (only part of the full model, but illustrates my
# below are two identical model specifications one with (ram.try2) and one
without (ram.try1)
# calculated endogenous variables (simple variables?). the simple variables
are defined as latent
# variables with fixed path weights and variances of 0.
# these variables are used for clarity and convenience.
# (d2i=d1+dd1; c2i=c1_dc1)
# however, they result in
# Error in solve.default(C[ind, ind]) :
# Lapack routine dgesv: system is exactly singular
# the model that circumvents theses variables (ram.try1), by repeating their
# where ever they would be used, solves without trouble.
s.try <- matrix(c(
1.000000000, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0,
8.179735935, 69.283293668, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0,
1.488597708, 12.801059848, 2.462201404, 0, 0,
0, 0,
0.064416230, 0.538518090, 0.101546492, 0.009998932, 0,
0, 0,
-0.015114110, -0.049081308, -0.027940473, -0.000722700, 0.0319872465,
0, 0,
0.077287545, 0.609258638, 0.108936725, 0.008417597, -0.0003804653,
0.0114547847, 0,
0.002547743, 0.001505935, -0.002749403, 0.003495991, -0.0048058784,
0.0028064159, 0.015747189
), ncol=7, byrow=TRUE)
rownames(s.try) <- colnames(s.try) <-
ram.try1 <- matrix(c( # this version works by avoiding creating d2
and c2
# 'd1 -> d2', NA, 1,
# 'dd1 -> d2', NA, 1,
# 'd2<->d2',NA,0,
# 'c1 -> c2', NA, 1,
# 'dc1 -> c2', NA, 1,
# 'c2<->c2',NA,0,
'one -> d1', 'Md', 8.2,
'one -> c1', 'Mc', 1.5,
'd1 <-> d1', 'Sd_d', NA,
'c1 <-> c1', 'Sc_c', NA,
'd1 <-> c1', 'Sd_c', NA,
'one -> dd1', 'Idd', .1,
'one -> dc1', 'Idc', -.2,
'd1 -> dd1', 'd_dd', -.002,
'c1 -> dc1', 'c_dc', -.2,
'd1 -> dc1', 'd_dc', -.0007,
'c1 -> dd1', 'c_dd', .015,
'dd1 <-> dd1', 'Sdd_dd', NA,
'dc1 <-> dc1', 'Sdc_dc', NA,
'dd1 <-> dc1', 'Sdd_dc', NA,
# 'd2 -> dd2', 'd_dd', -.002,
'd1 -> dd2', 'd_dd', -.002,
'dd1 -> dd2', 'd_dd', -.002,
# 'c2 -> dc2', 'c_dc', -.2,
'c1 -> dc2', 'c_dc', -.2,
'dc1 -> dc2', 'c_dc', -.2,
# 'd2 -> dc2', 'd_dc', -.0007,
'd1 -> dc2', 'd_dc', -.0007,
'dd1 -> dc2', 'd_dc', -.0007,
# 'c2 -> dd2', 'c_dd', .015,
'c1 -> dd2', 'c_dd', .015,
'dc1 -> dd2', 'c_dd', .015,
'one -> dd2', 'Idd', .1,
'one -> dc2', 'Idc', -.2,
'dd2 <-> dd2', 'Sdd_dd', NA,
'dc2 <-> dc2', 'Sdc_dc', NA,
'dd2 <-> dc2', 'Sdd_dc', NA
),ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
sem.try1 <- sem(ram.try1,s.try,N=80,raw=TRUE,fixed.x=c('one') )
ram.try2 <- matrix(c( #this version fails ....
'd1 -> d2', NA, 1,
'dd1 -> d2', NA, 1,
'c1 -> c2', NA, 1,
'dc1 -> c2', NA, 1,
'one -> d1', 'Md', 8.2,
'one -> c1', 'Mc', 1.5,
'd1 <-> d1', 'Sd_d', NA,
'c1 <-> c1', 'Sc_c', NA,
'd1 <-> c1', 'Sd_c', NA,
'one -> dd1', 'Idd', .1,
'one -> dc1', 'Idc', -.2,
'd1 -> dd1', 'd_dd', -.002,
'c1 -> dc1', 'c_dc', -.2,
'd1 -> dc1', 'd_dc', -.0007,
'c1 -> dd1', 'c_dd', .015,
'dd1 <-> dd1', 'Sdd_dd', NA,
'dc1 <-> dc1', 'Sdc_dc', NA,
'dd1 <-> dc1', 'Sdd_dc', NA,
'd2 -> dd2', 'd_dd', -.002,
# 'd1 -> dd2', 'd_dd', -.002,
# 'dd1 -> dd2', 'd_dd', -.002,
'c2 -> dc2', 'c_dc', -.2,
# 'c1 -> dc2', 'c_dc', -.2,
# 'dc1 -> dc2', 'c_dc', -.2,
'd2 -> dc2', 'd_dc', -.0007, # remove
either to get
rid of singularity
# 'd1 -> dc2', 'd_dc', -.0007,
# 'dd1 -> dc2', 'd_dc', -.0007,
'c2 -> dd2', 'c_dd', .015, # remove
either to get
rid of singularity
# 'c1 -> dd2', 'c_dd', .015,
# 'dc1 -> dd2', 'c_dd', .015,
'one -> dd2', 'Idd', .1,
'one -> dc2', 'Idc', -.2,
'dd2 <-> dd2', 'Sdd_dd', NA,
'dc2 <-> dc2', 'Sdc_dc', NA,
'dd2 <-> dc2', 'Sdd_dc', NA
),ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
sem.try2 <- sem(ram.try2,s.try,N=80,raw=TRUE,fixed.x=c('one') )