Bengoechea Bartolomé Enrique (SIES 73)
2008-Nov-05 10:27 UTC
[R] Lattice equivalent of axis(..., hadj=0)?
Hi, I'm trying to show categories labels on the y-axis of a lattice barchart left-aligned instead of the default right-aligned. That is, in the following example code: x <- c(14.16, 9.98, 14.59, 15.24) names(x) <- c("Banks & Finance", "Technology", "Non-Cyclicals", "Communications") barchart(x) I want the labels "Banks & Finance", etc, left-aligned close to the plot left edge instead of right-aligned close to the y axis. I can do it in traditional plots leaving extra space with par(mar), then using axis(..., hadj=0). But I find no easy alternative in lattice. panel.axis() doesn't seem to have any option for horizontal alignment of labels... Is there some easy way to get it, or I must program it? Best, Enrique [[alternative HTML version deleted]]