Borja Soto Varela
2008-Oct-29 16:58 UTC
[R] Error using fitting weibull distribution to some data
Dear R-users, Using Maximum-likelihood Fitting (fitdistr function) I've got the next error:> fitdistr(datos,"weibull",lower=0)Error in optim(x = c(1.4625e-06, 0.257854, 0.0001217545, 0.11421005, 0.028721576, : L-BFGS-B *needs finite values of 'fn' * where "datos" is a vector of length=1000 between 1.4625e-06 and 0.8867114 I add the lower argument in order to avoid dweibull produce "NaNs".If I don't add the lower argument, the call to fitdistr returns the parameter estimates with the warning messages below: Warning message: In dweibull(x, shape, scale, log) : Se han producido NaNs Does anyone know how to use fitdistr using the lower parameter to avoid warnings and avoid the error in optim? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]