Might anyone know how to conduct Wald-type F-tests of the fixed
effects estimated by glmmPQL? I see this implemented in SAS (GLIMMIX),
and have seen it recommended in user group discussions, but haven't come
across any code to accomplish it. I understand the anova function treats
a glmmPQL fit as an lme fit, with the test assumptions based on maximum
likelihood, which is inappropriate for PQL. I'm using S-Plus 7. I also
have R 2.7 and S-Plus 8 if necessary.
> Mark Fowler
Population Ecology Division> Bedford Inst of Oceanography
> Dept Fisheries & Oceans
> Dartmouth NS Canada
B2Y 4A2
Tel. (902) 426-3529
Fax (902) 426-9710
Email fowlerm@mar.dfo-mpo.gc.ca
Home Tel. (902) 461-0708
Home Email mark.fowler@ns.sympatico.ca
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