On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 8:04 AM, eugen pircalabelu
<eugen_pircalabelu at yahoo.com> wrote:> Hi List,
> I have the following problem: I am using the multilevel package and
make.univ function for available in the package and then xyplot from lattice and
I want to know how could I be able to use the "coefficient" for the
straight line that passes the data ?
> Example from help:
> library(multilevel)
> data(univbct) #a data set already in univariate or stacked form for job
> TEMP<-univbct[3*1:495,c(22,1:17)] #converting it back to multivariate
> TEMP2<-make.univ(x=TEMP,dvs=TEMP[,c(10,13,16)]) #transforming it to
univariate form again
# taken from Bliese Paul ? Multilevel Modeling in R
> Now I want to be able to identify those SUBNUM that have a downwards trend
like (for eg SUBNUM 7) without picking them by inspecting the plot. Is there
some way how I could access these coefficients for this apparently regression
You'll need to fit the models yourself, and then inspect the
coefficients of the results. Here's one way using the plyr package:
df <- TEMP2
names(df) <- tolower(names(df))
# First make a linear model for each subset
mod <- function(df) lm(multdv ~ time, data = df)
models <- dlply(df, .(subnum), failwith(NULL, mod), progress. =
# List the three models that didn't fit, then remove them
names(Filter(is.null, models))
models <- Filter(function(x) !(is.null(x)), models)
# Pull out coefficients of the models
coefs <- ldply(models, coef)
# Select those models with negative coefficients
subset(coefs, time < 0)
You can learn more about how plyr works (including a ~20 page
introductory paper) at http://had.co.nz/plyr.