Hi, Is there a way to add a colum containing percentages to output from aggregate? for example I have the following from aggregate: (aggregate(data[,cbind("A","B","C","D","E","F")], by=list(data$producttype), sum)) Group.1 A B C D E F 1 ProductA 0.506626 0.413133 0.494486 0.35114 0.153208 0.045601 2 Product B 0.176571 0.28645 0.982117 0.724125 0.727259 0.033789 I want to have columns to show for e.g. column E/F as G% aand C/D as T%? can I divided E/F or C/D and add them as 2 columns to the results of the aggregate function somehow? Which I then pipe ot html: print(xtable(format(data, big.mark=',', sep='')),include.rownames=FALSE,type='html') thanks Dhruv [[alternative HTML version deleted]]