Dear list I try to run a bootstrap with lmer. I often, but not always, get the error message: Error in objective(.par, ...) : Leading minor of order 6 in downdated X'X is not positive definite (with the number (here 6) varying) In R-archives I came across some threads that treated this problem, nevertheless they refer to lmer when using it with family = "binomial", so the solutions that were offered did not solve my problem (family="quasipoisson") (e.g. adding control=list(usePQL=FALSE,msVerbose=TRUE) does not make sense nor changes anything - error remains). A sample data (d.rba) set is pasted at the end. attach (d.rba) y <- d.rba$ms cut2 <- d.rba$cut^2 boot <- 10 index <- seq(1, length(y), 1) cut.pred <- seq(0,20,2) cut2.pred<-cut.pred^2 pred <- matrix(data = NA, nrow=boot, ncol=length(cut.pred)) for (j in 1 : boot){ id <- sample(index, replace=T) y.boot <- y[id] age_insects.boot <- age_insects[id] cut.boot <- cut[id] cut2.boot <- cut2[id] rV.rGb.boot <- rV.rGb[id] ECON_MN.boot <- ECON_MN[id] SHDI.boot <- SHDI[id] city.boot <- city[id] lmer.5 <-lmer(y.boot ~ cut.boot + cut2.boot + rV.rGb.boot + age_insects.boot + ECON_MN.boot + SHDI.boot + (1|city.boot),family="quasipoisson") for (i in 1:length(cut.pred)){ pred[j,i] <- exp (lmer.5@fixef[1] + lmer.5@fixef[2]*cut.pred[i] + lmer.5@fixef[3]*cut2.pred[i] + lmer.5@fixef[4]* mean(rV.rGb)+lmer.5@fixef[5]*mean(age_insects) + lmer.5@fixef[6]*mean(ECON_MN) + lmer.5@fixef[7]*mean(SHDI)) } } >sessionInfo() R version 2.6.0 (2007-10-03) i386-pc-mingw32 attached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base other attached packages: [1] lme4_0.99875-9 Matrix_0.999375-4 lattice_0.16-5 loaded via a namespace (and not attached): [1] grid_2.6.0 nlme_3.1-85 I found two hypothesis that could be the source of the problem but I cannot figure out how to test them nor how to solve them. 1) it's a loop-matrix interaction (=batch-) problem. Even though I sometimes do get the error message when I run it individually. Nevertheless this was suggested as the potential error in one response but no solution was offered ( 2) the selected samples out of my data set ("id") to run the predictions create the problem (maybe if some x values = 0?) Thanks a lot for your time! I very much appreciate the help. Thomas Here a chunk of the data: (n = 30, ntotal = 96) location ms cut age_insects city rV.rGb ECON_MN SHDI 101 328 3 6 ZH 78.46 32.13 0.926 102 211 8 2 ZH 77.60 7.54 0.614 103 306 1 3 ZH 60.23 20.57 0.831 104 195 3 1 ZH 67.48 18.33 0.872 105 232 11 49 ZH 58.90 8.67 0.682 106 291 2 20 ZH 2.49 70.45 0.637 107 297 9 44 ZH 22.85 5.73 0.522 108 281 11 55 ZH 47.71 7.83 0.533 109 278 5 54 ZH 48.10 23.81 0.657 110 309 12 36 ZH 23.57 42.95 0.346 201 256 12 34 LU 42.03 8.61 0.528 202 240 8 10 LU 58.88 8.50 0.680 203 274 3 3 LU 62.23 47.09 1.070 204 305 7 46 LU 55.33 21.95 0.722 205 269 9 86 LU 7.72 29.87 0.896 206 367 9 49 LU 42.13 33.77 0.932 207 249 10 12 LU 39.22 13.36 0.964 208 336 2 21 LU 15.03 55.44 0.814 209 190 6 4 LU 70.16 12.00 0.744 210 302 6 71 LU 78.45 7.27 0.645 301 258 6 31 LG 73.64 7.80 0.669 302 257 11 36 LG 69.70 20.90 0.716 303 323 12 20 LG 56.42 19.70 0.522 304 213 20 13 LG 47.55 18.00 0.908 305 261 12 14 LG 61.13 8.18 0.511 306 169 12 1 LG 47.90 31.28 0.761 307 242 9 30 LG 42.68 7.47 0.417 308 222 12 16 LG 31.73 16.14 0.742 309 255 5 36 LG 80.45 7.48 0.666 310 320 2 71 LG 64.24 31.96 0.676 _______________________________________________ Thomas Sattler Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL Bellinzona, Birmensdorf & Conservation Biology Institute of Ecology and Evolution (IEE), University of Bern <> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]