Hello, need some help on using Rcurl to navigate a site and the use of session cookies. I suspect the issue i am having presently is I am not handling session cookies properly. At a high level, in need to create a dataset for some analysis, my background is in using R for statistical work, I am very inexperienced in HTTP and XML type of coding. Basically, like to use R for a mashup project I have. Navigate to a web site, login, query some data, clean the data and create a date frame, navigate to another site, run some queries and append to the data frame. I have determined that RCurl has all the necessary power to do the navigation and form submission, but I am struggling to get this to work. I have read the help articles around RCurl, but after days of trying, hitting a wall. Code so far: library(RCurl) library(XML) txt2 <- postForm("http://www.dailyreportonline.com/siteLogin.asp", origin = "", queryDB = "", form_username = "zubin", form_password = "xxxx", form_save_login = "on", login = "Submit") htmlTreeParse(txt2, asText = TRUE) This successfully navigates to the site, but its not submitting the form information and logging in, something is not completely correct. I contacted an expert and they indicated that most likely I am not handling session cookies properly. Does someone have example RCurl code that submits a form to a site using session cookies, keeps a session open and then performs a sequence of operations? I think that may help me learn what i need to do. Rcurl seems very powerful. I will need to keep a session open as i login, navigate, submit another form within the site and retrieve data. I most likely may need some formal help, so any students familiar with HTTP, XML, and R wanting to earn some money, please contact me. -zubin