b c
2008-Aug-13 09:57 UTC
[R] Calculating an appropriate error from the NNET package for a continuous target
I have been using the NNET package and have successfully run neural networks on both continuous and binary targets. I managed to search the internet and found out how to capture the error resulting from a binary model no problems. My problem now is that I am trying to find how to calculate an approriate error when modelling a continuous target. As a statistician I immediately think of the RMSE, is it possible to calculate such a statistic from the model? This would require kniowledge of the degrees of freedom in the model (if there is an equivalent in a neural netwrok!?) Ideally I would like the proportion of the RMSE to total error. For example, one criteria of model fit may be no worse than 10% error rate. It is this sort of statistic that i am desperate to calc.Any help greatly appreciated. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]