Hi, I am trying to run the following code and it seems to be very temperamental. After a few successful runs I started receiving the error message from running test = VAR(y,....). Could you please advise why the code would work several times and then start sending back the error message or provide any advice on how to fix this error? y = cbind(check, unemp.s[1:105], yld.s.qq[1:105]) library(vars) test = VARselect(y, lag.max = 10, type = c("const"), season = 4, exogen =NULL)#c("unemploy[3:n]", "yield.curve[3:n]")) test =VAR(y, p = 2, type = c( "both"), season = NULL, exogen =NULL, lag.max = NULL, ic = c("AIC")) " Error in terms.formula(formula, data = data) : duplicated name 'X.l1' in data frame using '.' " Thanks for the help, Morgan K. Boyce Global Product Solutions - Finance Phone: 704-386-4074 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]