Dear Robert,
Try ggplot2
ggplot(, aes(x = age, y = score, group = subject)) +
ir. Thierry Onkelinx
Instituut voor natuur- en bosonderzoek / Research Institute for Nature
and Forest
Cel biometrie, methodologie en kwaliteitszorg / Section biometrics,
methodology and quality assurance
Gaverstraat 4
9500 Geraardsbergen
tel. + 32 54/436 185
Thierry.Onkelinx op
To call in the statistician after the experiment is done may be no more
than asking him to perform a post-mortem examination: he may be able to
say what the experiment died of.
~ Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher
The plural of anecdote is not data.
~ Roger Brinner
The combination of some data and an aching desire for an answer does not
ensure that a reasonable answer can be extracted from a given body of
~ John Tukey
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: r-help-bounces op [mailto:r-help-bounces op]
Namens Robert Terwilliger
Verzonden: vrijdag 8 augustus 2008 0:02
Aan: r-help op
Onderwerp: [R] help with longitudinal data plot
Dear R Help,
I am attempting to make a plot of longitudinal data, a sample data
frame of which is shown below.
I'd like to show all of the subjects in the same plot, with a set of
connecting line segments for each subject. 'age' would be the x-axis
and 'score' would be the y-axis.
subject age score
1 10123 12 51.06
2 10123 14 50.00
3 10123 15 62.22
4 10124 12 74.42
5 10124 13 72.73
6 10124 14 63.41
7 10125 16 54.55
8 10125 17 50.00
9 10125 18 54.35
10 10128 17 97.83
11 10128 18 97.87
12 10128 19 100.00
Any help would be appreciated.
Robert Terwilliger
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