On 28-Jul-08 09:29:22, baptiste auguie wrote:> Here is my attempt at this (taking a specific understanding of the ill-
> defined "equivalence" relation),
> unletter <- function(word){
> word.broken <- strsplit(word, NULL)
> set.of.numbers <- sapply(word.broken[[1]], function(let)
which(let == > letters))
> paste(set.of.numbers, sep="", collapse="")
> }
> unletter("abc")
> # "123"
Ay [yes, I understand]
> unletter("xyz")
> # "242526"
> unletter("salut")
> # "191122120"
aikbut [or do I?]
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I am trying to convert english words to numeric equivalents,
>>>> abc to
>>>> 123. Is there a function or library or package for doing this
>>>> R? If not,
>>>> can it be done easily in R?
> _____________________________
> Baptiste Augui?
> School of Physics
> University of Exeter
> Stocker Road,
> Exeter, Devon,
> EX4 4QL, UK
> Phone: +44 1392 264187
> http://newton.ex.ac.uk/research/emag
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Date: 28-Jul-08 Time: 10:47:13
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