Dear all, I am new to r and most happy for now:) I would like to ask an issue about rm-anova. I have data of an experiment with 24 subjects 3 treatment (8 replicates for each treatment) and 8 sampling through time. data sheet is something like that(just an example, not real). sample id,response(tp),treatment,date a1,119,HP,27 june a2,120,MP,27 june a3,150,C,27 june a4,100,C,27 june .. .. a1,90 HP, 7 july a2,80,MP,7 july a3,170,C,7 july a4,50,C,7 july . . . is it correct to formulize rm-anova as demo <- aov(tn_mgl ~ factor(TN)*factor(prefix) + Error(sample/(factor(TN)+factor(prefix)))) thanks in advance, best regards korhan ozkan [[alternative HTML version deleted]]