Daniel Stahl
2008-Jul-05 22:14 UTC
[R] Problem solved: extracting values from a "by" function
Hi I just discovered the answer thanks to a previous thread from Peter Daalgart The command is: sapply(test, "[[", "statistic") Cheers, Daniel ----- Original Message ----- To: r-help at r-project.org Subject: extracting values from a "by" function Date: Sun, 6 Jul 2008 05:59:04 +0800 Hello, I am trying to extract t and pvalues from a 1000 ttests using the by-function but everythinhg I tried did not work. Unfortunately googling "by" is not very helpful. Any help will be very appreciated. Cheers, Danile Stall *creating a data set library(MASS) dataset <- mvrnorm(160, mu, Sigma) dataset <- as.data.frame(dataset) dataset$GROUP <- rep(1:10, each=16) data.uni <- reshape(df, varying = list(c("V1","V2")), v.names="Y",direction="long") *the actual tests: test<-by(data.uni, data.uni$GROUP, function(x)t.test(Y ~ time, data = x, paired = TRUE)) *in case this will help you: summary(test) str(test)> summary(test)Length Class Mode 1 9 htest list 2 9 htest list 3 9 htest list 4 9 htest list 5 9 htest list 6 9 htest list 7 9 htest list 8 9 htest list 9 9 htest list 10 9 htest list> str(test)List of 10 $ 1 :List of 9 ..$ statistic : Named num -4.26 .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "t" ..$ parameter : Named num 15 .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "df" ..$ p.value : num 0.000682 ..$ conf.int : atomic [1:2] -3.13 -1.04 .. ..- attr(*, "conf.level")= num 0.95 ..$ estimate : Named num -2.09 .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "mean of the differences" ..$ null.value : Named num 0 .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "difference in means" ..$ alternative: chr "two.sided" ..$ method : chr "Paired t-test" ..$ data.name : chr "Y by time" ..- attr(*, "class")= chr "htest" $ 2 :List of 9 -- _______________________________________________ --