Dear list,
i am trying to plot data in a way like this:
Date<-seq(as.Date("2006-08-29"), as.Date("2007-08-28"),
by="2 weeks")
var<-rnorm(27, 10000, 2500)
err<-rnorm(27, 3000, 1000)
df<-data.frame(cbind(Date, var, err))
g <- ggplot(df, aes(x=Date, y=var,
min=(var - err), max=(var + err)))
g1 <- g + geom_line() + geom_point() + geom_errorbar(width=2, linetype=1)
It works, however i am not satisfied with the output. I would like to have
the x-axis starting at "2006-08-01" and ending at
"2007-08-31" with tick
marks and labels and each 1st of the months.
I managed to do this with a trellis plot by defining
Start<-as.Date("2006-08-01") ##1. August 2006
End <-as.Date("2007-09-01") ##1. September 2007
Period<-seq(Start, Ende, by="month")
and then using "Period" as argument in scales(at).
How can I succeed in ggplot2?
Jetzt dabei sein:
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