Hi, this is my code: model<-glm(Risk ~ Status + Duration + Credit_History + Credit_amount + Savings + Employment + Inst_rate + Residence + Property + Age + plans + Housing + Credits + Job + Liable + Telephone + Foreign_worker + Purpose_A40 + Purpose_A41 + Purpose_A42 + Purpose_A43 + Purpose_A44 + Purpose_A45 + Purpose_A46 + Purpose_A48 + Purpose_A49 + P_Status_A91 + P_Status_A92 + P_Status_A93 + P_Status_A94 + Others_A101 + Others_A102 + Others_A103,data=Training_Set, family=binomial(logit)) ########################### Plotting the ROC curve ########################### ROC<-roc.plot(model$fitted.values,Training_Set["Risk"],show.thres=FALSE,main="My ROC Plot",xlab="1-specifity",ylab="sensitivity") the glm works fine, but I need to do further analysis on it (roc.plot etc.), so I wrote the last line (from above), and got this error: "Error: subscript out of bounds" The original dataset is 800 by 34, and the glm was conducted on a training set of the 600 first rows. Can someone help? --------------------- Have a wonderful day. David Einhorn, Israel. 972+525058538 einhorn01@gmail.com [[alternative HTML version deleted]]