r-help-bounces at r-project.org napsal dne 25.06.2008 10:24:35:
> I'm trying to make a loopo with some file....
> >
> > library(dplR)
> > files.rwl <- system("ls *.rwl", intern=TRUE) >
> [1] "cimfasy.rwl" "rocquce.rwl"
> > for (i in files.rwl) assign(gsub("\\.rwl$",
"_rwl", i), read.rwl(i,
header=0))> There are 70 series
> There are 21 series
> >
> > cimfasy_rwl
> 1990 1.55 0.00 1.59 1.94 0.99 2.14
> 1991 0.92 0.72 0.50 1.29 0.54 1.22
> 1992 2.15 1.28 1.23 2.26 1.22 3.17
> 1993 1.50 0.87 1.68 1.97 0.83 2.55
> 1994 0.69 0.00 0.76 1.89 0.60 0.87
> 1995 1.13 1.04 1.19 1.52 1.13 1.78
> 1996 1.15 0.92 1.50 0.97 0.60 NA
> 1997 NA NA NA NA NA NA
> 1998 NA NA NA NA NA NA
> 1999 NA NA NA NA NA NA
> 2000 NA NA NA NA NA NA
> >
> OK.... the loop work...
> Now I want to replace the NA with 0 in the data.frame (cimfasy_rwl,
> rocquce_rwl, ecc...)
> > files_rwl <- ls(pattern="_rwl$")
> > files_rwl
> [1] "cimfasy_rwl" "rocquce_rwl"
> > for (i in files_rwl) assign(gsub("\\_rwl$", "",
i), i[is.na(i) ] <- 0)
> > ls()
> [1] "cimfasy" "cimfasy_rwl" "files_rwl"
"files.rwl" "i"
> [6] "rocquce" "rocquce_rwl"
> But the loop don't work:
You probably mixup cimfasy and cimfasy_rwl which are different objects
I recommend avoid loop in this case
> zdrz[2,2]<-NA
> zdrz
doba otac sklon
1 189.0 0.6 110
2 256.0 NA 80
3 286.0 0.6 50
4 105.0 1.2 50> zdrz[is.na(zdrz)]
[1] NA> zdrz[is.na(zdrz)]<-0
> zdrz
doba otac sklon
1 189.0 0.6 110
2 256.0 0.0 80
3 286.0 0.6 50
4 105.0 1.2 50
5 272.0 1.2 10
And you shall know that R is pretty smart in handling missing values. How
do you know after change NA -> 0 that 0 is from NA and not
like in 1994 row and second column.
> > cimfasy
> [1] 0
> Why??
> Alfredo
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