is this what you are looking for:
> x <- read.table(textConnection("
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5
+ 1 1007_s_at DDR1 2865.1 2901.3 1978.3
+ 2 1053_at RFC2 103.6 81.6 108.0
+ 3 117_at HSPA6 222.0 222.5 306.2
+ 4 121_at PAX8 2146.3 2457.2 1901.9
+ 5 1255_g_at GUCA1A 226.5 321.2 109.2
+ 6 1294_at UBE1L 296.6 424.6 406.1
+ 7 1316_at THRA 339.9 354.2 178.3
+ 8 1320_at PTPN21 78.4 36.2
185.2"), header=TRUE)> closeAllConnections()
> kurtosis <-function(x) (mean((x-mean(x))^4))/(sd(x)^4) #x is a vector
> cbind(x, kurtosis=apply(x, 1, function(z)
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 kurtosis
1 1007_s_at DDR1 2865.1 2901.3 1978.3 0.6666667
2 1053_at RFC2 103.6 81.6 108.0 0.6666667
3 117_at HSPA6 222.0 222.5 306.2 0.6666667
4 121_at PAX8 2146.3 2457.2 1901.9 0.6666667
5 1255_g_at GUCA1A 226.5 321.2 109.2 0.6666667
6 1294_at UBE1L 296.6 424.6 406.1 0.6666667
7 1316_at THRA 339.9 354.2 178.3 0.6666667
8 1320_at PTPN21 78.4 36.2 185.2 0.6666667>
On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 10:31 PM, Gundala Viswanath <gundalav at> wrote:> Hi,
> I have the following function:
>> kurtosis <-function(x) (mean((x-mean(x))^4))/(sd(x)^4) #x is a
> and data
>> print(mydata)
> V1 V2 V3 V4
> 1 1007_s_at DDR1 2865.1 2901.3 1978.3
> 2 1053_at RFC2 103.6 81.6 108.0
> 3 117_at HSPA6 222.0 222.5 306.2
> 4 121_at PAX8 2146.3 2457.2 1901.9
> 5 1255_g_at GUCA1A 226.5 321.2 109.2
> 6 1294_at UBE1L 296.6 424.6 406.1
> 7 1316_at THRA 339.9 354.2 178.3
> 8 1320_at PTPN21 78.4 36.2 185.2
> Now, I want to:
> 1. apply the kurtosis function to every row in the data (starting
> from V3 to V5)
> 2. bind the output of the kurtosis function to mydata.
> Why my code below doesn't work? What's the solution for it?
> binded_mydata_withkurt <- cbind(mydata,
> kurt=apply(mydata,1,kurtosis(mydata[,3:ncol(repo.dat)]),na.rm = TRUE))
> - Gundala Viswanath
> Jakarta - Indonesia
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Jim Holtman
Cincinnati, OH
+1 513 646 9390
What is the problem you are trying to solve?