Hello, I have a question about tcl/tk: is there a way to stop more messagers/listchoice/etc. that are set up earlier, but are unwanted later? for example, require(tcltk) ttMain <- tktoplevel() tkwm.title(ttMain,"Question") f.fcn <- function(){ t1 <- modalDialogOK("Elicitation","What's the LOWER bound of A1",entryInit="") t2 <- modalDialogOK("Elicitation","What's the LOWER bound of A2",entryInit="") t3 <- modalDialogOK("Elicitation","What's the LOWER bound of A3",entryInit="") } f.fcn() When run the function, three dialog box would pop up in sequence. If in the middle, say, after t2 pop up, I don't want to answer t3, is there a way to block t3? Close the t1,t2 boxes(even the "question" main frame) doesn't stop t3 coming up, though it gives a lot of error messages. Thanks! Hua