Hello everyone: I have some quesions about the R code for linear mixed model,hope some one can give me some hints,thanks a lot~ Say: we have A B C three factors (i)A is fixed ,B and C are random,and B is nested in C,so the R code for this case would be: case1<-lme(y~A+B+C+......,random=~B|C) where "B|C" actually mean B is nested in C, is it correct? (ii)and if I update the case as: updatedcase1<-update(case1,random=~1|C), did I just remove the random effect of B, and only random effect of C left in the model? is it correct? (iii)A ,B,is fixed ,but C is random,no nested case,how am I gonna write the R code,since lme(y~A+B+C+.....,random=~C) lead to error, (iv)for the case1,if I wirte this updatedcase2<-update(case1,random=B-1|C) where,"B-1|C",what this syntax stand for in R? thank you guys very much~ [[alternative HTML version deleted]]