DAVID ARTETA GARCIA wrote:> Hi list,
> Is it possible to save the name of a filename automatically when
> reading it using read.table() or some other function?
> My aim is to create then an output table with the name of the original
> table with a suffix like _out
> example:
> mydata = read.table("Run224_v2_060308.txt", sep = "\t",
header = TRUE)
> ## store name?
> myfile = the_name_of_the_file
> ## do analysis of data and store in a data.frame "myoutput"
> ## write output in tab format
> write.table(myoutput, c(myfile,"_out.txt"),sep="\t")
> the name of the new file will be
> "Run224_v2_060308_out.txt"
Hi David,
If you look at the code in the "htmlize" function in the prettyR
package, you can see how to break down a filename into its components
and then assemble a filename that is the same except for the extension.
# if there is no HTML base name, use the Rfile name
if(missing(HTMLbase)) {
if(missing(title)) title<-paste("Listing of",HTMLbase)
# If there is no HTML directory, use the path on the Rfile
if(missing(HTMLdir)) {
else HTMLdir<-unlist(strsplit(Rfile,"\\\\"))
# here we make the filename for the listing