Hi, I use sample function in a for loop to get a new random indexing but I don't know why, I get the same indexes in different iterations of for. I have a script that uses for loop calling crossval function (the same definition as crossval in bootstrap package) defined in another script. Both scripts are loaded into R by source function. When I reach o <- sample (1:n) where n is the length of a vector, for ex 10 print(o) I always get the same indexes at the same position 3 7 5 6 10 9 2 1 8 4 note that i don't change the value of o anywhere in the program. only, at a new iteration, o gets initialized. but when I use sample(1:n) in R environement, random sampling works perfectly. Best carol ------------------------------------------- for (i in 1:5) new.lst = crossval(data, y, s, 3) crossval <- function (x, y, s, ngroup) { call <- match.call() x <- as.matrix(x) n <- length(y) if (ngroup < 2) { stop("ngroup should be greater than or equal to 2") } if (ngroup > n) { stop("ngroup should be less than or equal to the number of observations") } if (ngroup == n) { groups <- 1:n leave.out <- 1 } if (ngroup < n) { leave.out <- trunc(n/ngroup) o <- sample(1:n) print(o) groups <- vector("list", ngroup) for (j in 1:(ngroup - 1)) { jj <- (1 + (j - 1) * leave.out) groups[[j]] <- (o[jj:(jj + leave.out - 1)]) } groups[[ngroup]] <- o[(1 + (ngroup - 1) * leave.out):n] } ..... [[alternative HTML version deleted]]