Since sending this message I have now solved the problem - needed to alter the
initial values of alpha and beta!
> From:> To:> Date: Mon,
5 May 2008 00:03:53 +0100> Subject: [R] Residual resampling for non linear
reg model> > > > > I was attempting to use the residual
resampling approach to generate 999 bootstrap samples of alpha and beta and find
their confidence intervals. However, I keep getting the error message:Error in
nls( ~ cases/(alpha + (beta * cases)), start = init.values, :
singular gradientafter R has only produced a few bootstraps.Could anyone suggest
where I am going wrong? Would greatly appreciate it!Mary
header=TRUE)#attach dataattach(manpower)B<-999#number of data
pointsn<-dim(manpower)[1]#alpha level to use for the confidence
limitsalpha<-0.05#matrix that's going to contain the bootstrap
coefficientsboot.coef<-matrix(NA, B+1, 2)#fit the initial
start=init.values, trace=TRUE)pred<-predict(model)resid<-resid(model)#do
the bootstrapfor (i in 1:B){ #resample the residuals resample.ind!>
ex<-sample(1:n,n,replace=T)<-pred+resid[resample.index] #refit
the model init.values<-c(alpha=20,beta=0)
trace=TRUE) #extract the parameter estimates
boot.coef[i,]<-coef(new.model)}#add the original parameter estimates
boot.coef[B+1,]<-coef(model)#calculate confidence intervalsfor(i in 1:2){
ci<-quantile(boot.coef[,i],probs=c(alpha/2,(1-alpha/2))) cat("residual
bootstrap confidence intervals for
parameter",i,"are",ci,"\n")}> > Miss your
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