I am using the clogit (conditional logistic regression) on a simple data set
which is not related to survivorship, which I understand to be fine.
I have trouble understanding the output. I would like to find parameter
estimates of the logistic models I am constructing with R, and am unclear as to
what the coefficients represent that are provided.
The below is a copy of my output.
> summary(clogit(Pluv~Clay+ Veg+ Grav+ Cobb+ strata(Site),
data=microsite1))Call:coxph(formula = Surv(rep(1, 50L), Pluv) ~ Clay + Veg +
Grav + Cobb + strata(Site), data = microsite1, method = "exact")
n= 50 coef exp(coef) se(coef) z pClay -14.15 7.16e-07
8.43 -1.679 0.093Veg -4.13 1.60e-02 13.04 -0.317 0.750Grav -6.93
9.76e-04 8.63 -0.803 0.420Cobb 17.70 4.89e+07 15.37 1.152 0.250
exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95Clay 7.16e-07 1.40e+06 4.79e-14
1.07e+01Veg 1.60e-02 6.23e+01 1.27e-13 2.02e+09Grav 9.76e-04 1.02e+03
4.42e-11 2.16e+04Cobb 4.89e+07 2.05e-08 4.03e-06 5.93e+20
Rsquare= 0.397 (max possible= 0.5 )Likelihood ratio test= 25.3 on 4 df,
p=4.46e-05Wald test = 3.8 on 4 df, p=0.434Score (logrank) test =
14.3 on 4 df, p=0.00625
Any help is greatly appreciated,
Thank you,
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