Thank you Matthieu for your helpful suggestions.
Unfortunately I still have problems.
I have tried to compile it via your suggestion.
this is strange... you should have the usual summary...
I have on my machine
test2<-ur.df(nottem, type="none", lags=1)
When I type in "library(urca)" I receive the following.
"Error in library(urca) :
'urca' is not a valid package -- installed < 2.0.0?"
When I type in "installed.packages()" the ONLY package with NA entries
is URCA.
Suggests Built
tcltk NA "2.6.2"
tools NA "2.6.2"
urca NA NA
utils NA "2.6.2"
I have tried to kill the session and start again but to no avail.
I have installed "Package: r-cran-urca (1.1-6-1) [universe]" from the
ubuntu website for use in Windows.
My R version is 2.6.2.
Thanks in advance for your help,
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