zhijie zhang
2008-Mar-24 07:36 UTC
[R] What is the correct model formula for the results of piecewise linear function?
Dear friends, I used the B-spline (degree=1) method to fit the piecewise linear function and the results are listed below. m.glm<-glm(mark~x+poly(elevation,2)+bs(distance,degree=1,knots=c(16.13,24)) +bs(y,degree=1,knots=c(-0.4357,-0.3202 )),family=binomial(logit),data=point) summary(m.glm) Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) 12.104 3.138 3.857 0.000115 *** x 5.815 1.987 2.926 0.003433 ** poly(elevation, 2)1 6.654 4.457 1.493 0.135444 poly(elevation, 2)2 -6.755 3.441 - 1.963 0.049645 * bs(distance, degree = 1, knots = c(16.13, 24))1 -1.291 1.139 - 1.133 0.257220 bs(distance, degree = 1, knots = c(16.13, 24))2 -10.348 2.025 -5.110 3.22e-07 *** bs(distance, degree = 1, knots = c(16.13, 24))3 -3.530 3.752 - 0.941 0.346850 bs(y, degree = 1, knots = c(-0.4357, -0.3202))1 -6.828 1.836 - 3.719 0.000200 *** bs(y, degree = 1, knots = c(-0.4357, -0.3202))2 -4.426 1.614 - 2.742 0.006105 ** bs(y, degree = 1, knots = c(-0.4357, -0.3202))3 -11.216 2.861 - 3.920 8.86e-05 *** I think bs(degree=1) has fitted the piecewise linear functions. Now i hope to write the model formua for the above results, but not very sure about how to write the correct results for *distance* and *y,* because they have three parts . Logitp=12.104 + 5.815*x + 6.654*elevation - 6.755*elevation^2 -1.291*distance1 - 10.348*distance2 - 3.53*distance3 -6.828*y1 - 4.426*y2 - 11.216*y3 In the above formula, distance1-3 denotes the three linear functions for*distance *, my problem is how to replace distace1-3 using original variable *distance *? The same question is for *y*. Could anybody please show me the correct model formula according to the above result? Thanks a lot. -- With Kind Regards, Zhi Jie [[alternative HTML version deleted]]