Dear all, I am using the hclust method in R. I am building nice dendrograms with it. Actually for my further analysis I want to get the number of bifurcations (bif) for each object (labels) in the dendrogram. That has to be calculated by the colums merge, height and order. Sc2Mown_Pred.txt Sc2Mpred<- read.table("Sc2Mown_Pred.txt", header=T, row.names=1) library(vegan) attach(Sc2Mpred) Sc2Mpred_JD <- vegdist(Sc2Mpred, method="jaccard", binary=T, diag=FALSE, upper=FALSE, na.rm = FALSE) hc2<- hclust(Sc2Mpred_JD, "ave") plot(hc2, hang = -1) str(hc2) merge height order labels Do you know of any function that computes that? I did not find any. I hope you have a good advice! Thanks a lot in advance!! Yvonne Yvonne Fabian PhD Student University of Fribourg Department of Biology Ecology and Evolution Group Sc2Mown_Pred.txt -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at