Hello Again R help readers - I have posted in the past and want to thank all those who replied with helpful suggestions. This regards mixed model anova, and the nlme package. My purpose is to make a comparison of barnacle recruit density from 3 different regions. In each of these regions i have sampled 6 randomly chosen sites. I sampled 20 quadrats at each site giving me a total sample size of 360. Thus i have as a design Response: density Factors: regions (3 levels, fixed) sites (18 levels, random) I started with creating a dataframe that included density, region (coded 1, 2, 3), and site (coded 1,2...18) I then created a grouped data object with the code; datag <- groupedData(density_recruit ~ region | site, data=data, labels = list(x="Region", y="Recruit Density"), units list(y="dm^2")) 1: my first question is this code correctly creating a grouped data object for a nested design with one nested random factor? I than used lme to build my full model with the code; (i had to transform my response) lmm1 <- lme(asinh(density_recruit) ~ region, data=datag, random=list(site=~1)) 2: Is this code correct, i have tried other variations such as lmm1 <- lme(asinh(density_recruit) ~ region, data=datag, random=~1| site) but i essentially get the same results. I can assess significance of my fixed factor using anova(), however i would also like to know if the random factor is significant or not.>From the help archives and the P/B book on mixed models i think thecorrect procedure is to build a model without the random effect and compare it to the model with the random effect using anova() Thus i created a model without the random effect using the code and compared lmm1 to lmod lmod <- lm(asinh(density_recruit) ~ region, data=datag) 3. my printout from anova() was Model df AIC BIC logLik Test L.Ratio p-value lmm1 1 5 1458.319 1477.708 -724.1596 lm1 2 4 1677.033 1692.544 - 834.5165 1 vs 2 220.7138 <.0001 Does this mean that lmm1 is a superior model given the data? I would say yes based on the lower AIC and BIC however i do not know what the L.ratio is and what the p-value of <.0001 means. Thanks again for any help on this issue. Stephen Cole M.Sc candidate Marine Ecology Lab Saint Francis Xavier University