ArunPrasad wrote:> Hi Everyone,
> I am doing a project based on "Spatially Lagged Predictor
> Variable Models", I would like to know which package in R would
execute this
> model. Also, I am new to this field of spatial statistics. Any suggestions
> for a good book on spatial regression analysis would be appreciated. Thanks
> Again.
> Cheers
> Arun
you may have a look at lag.listw in the package 'spdep' by R Bivand,
which computes a lag vector given a variable and a list of spatial
weights. There is a nice review of spatial methods in ecology, already
mentioned on this list I think:
Carsten F. Dormann, Jana M. McPherson, Miguel B. Ara?jo, Roger Bivand,
Janine Bolliger, Gudrun Carl, Richard G. Davies, Alexandre Hirzel,
Walter Jetz, W. Daniel Kissling, Ingolf K?hn, Ralf Ohlem?ller, Pedro R.
Peres-Neto, Bj?rn Reineking, Boris Schr?der, Frank M. Schurr and Robert
Wilson,. (2007) Methods to account for spatial autocorrelation in the
analysis of species distributional data: a review. /Ecography/ 30:5, 609?628
This may be a good starting point.
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