Dear List adding a table to a plot using addtable2plot(plotrix) does not seem to work when using a logarithmic axis. The table is then reduced to one line. Is there an argument to indicate that a log-scale is used, or an alternative to add a bunch of information to a plot? I'm using R 2.6.1 on WinXP SP2. thanks Markus -- Markus Didion Wald?kologie Forest Ecology Inst. f. Terrestrische Oekosysteme Inst. of Terrestrial Ecosystems Departement Umweltwissenschaften Dept. of Environmental Sciences Eidg. Technische Hochschule Swiss Fed. Inst. of Technology ETH-Zentrum CHN G78 ETH-Zentrum CHN G78 Universit?tstr. 22 Universitaetstr. 22 CH-8092 Z?rich CH-8092 Zurich Schweiz Switzerland Tel +41 (0)44 632 5629 Fax +41 (0)44 632 1358 Email markus.didion at homepage:
Markus Didion wrote:> Dear List > > adding a table to a plot using addtable2plot(plotrix) does not seem to > work when using a logarithmic axis. The table is then reduced to one > line. Is there an argument to indicate that a log-scale is used, or an > alternative to add a bunch of information to a plot? > I'm using R 2.6.1 on WinXP SP2. >Hi Markus, Thanks for pointing that out - logarithmic axes had slipped under my radar (as the open source developer said to the actress). I'll got onto it. Jim