Dimitris Rizopoulos
2008-Feb-20 08:39 UTC
[R] [R-pkgs] New Package 'JM' for the Joint Modelling of Longitudinal and Survival Data
Dear R-users, I'd like to announce the release of the new package JM (JM_0.1-0 available from CRAN) for the joint modelling of longitudinal and time-to-event data. The package has a single model-fitting function called jointModel(), which accepts as main arguments a linear mixed effects object fit returned by function lme() of package nlme, and a survival object fit returned by either function coxph() or function survreg() of package survival. In addition, the method argument of jointModel() specifies the type of the survival submodel to be fitted and the type of the numerical integration technique; available options are: * "ph-GH": the time-dependent version of a proportional hazards model with unspecified baseline hazard function. This option corresponds to the joint model proposed by Wulfsohn and Tsiatis, Biometrics, 1997. * "weibull-GH": the Weibull model under the accelerated failure time formulation. * "ch-GH" and "ch-Laplace": an additive log cumulative hazard model, in which the log cumulative baseline hazard is approximated using B-splines. For "ph-GH", "weibull-GH" and "ch-GH" the Gauss-Hermite integration rule is used to approximate the required integrals, whereas for "ch-Laplace" a fully exponential Laplace approximation method is applied. The last option is more suitable for high-dimensional random effects vectors, when e.g., modelling nonlinear subject-specific trajectories with splines or high-order polynomials. Sample analyses can be found at: student.kuleuven.be/~m0390867/R packages & Computing/R Packages/pbc.R, and student.kuleuven.be/~m0390867/R packages & Computing/R Packages/aids.R Any kind of feedback (questions, suggestions, bug-reports, etc.) is more than welcome. Best, Dimitris ---- Dimitris Rizopoulos Biostatistical Centre School of Public Health Catholic University of Leuven Address: Kapucijnenvoer 35, Leuven, Belgium Tel: +32/(0)16/336899 Fax: +32/(0)16/337015 Web: med.kuleuven.be/biostat student.kuleuven.be/~m0390867/dimitris.htm Disclaimer: kuleuven.be/cwis/email_disclaimer.htm _______________________________________________ R-packages mailing list R-packages at r-project.org stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-packages
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