Udaya B. Kogalur
2008-Feb-11 21:23 UTC
[R] [R-pkgs] Release 3.2.0 of randomSurvivalForest is now availablle
Dear useRs: Release 3.2.0 of the CRAN package randomSurvivalForest is now available. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release 3.2.0 represents a significant upgrade in the functionality of the product. Key changes are as follows: o A second method of perturbing the data set in order to calculate variable importance (VIMP) has been implemented. In addition to permuting the values for a single variable, a random split approach has been taken in which a data point is randomly assigned to the left or right daughter node when a split occurs on the specified variable. o The joint VIMP among multiple variables of a (potentially proper) subset of the GROW data can now be calculated using the new function interaction.rsf(). This represents a third mode of operation for the application, and follows rsf.default (GROW) and predict.rsf (PREDICT). See the documentation for details. o An additional option in GROW mode can now be specified. The option 'varUsed' allows users to quantify which variables have been split upon within a single tree or over the entire forest. See the documentation for more details. o The ability to multiply impute data has been implemented. This involves imputing data while growing a forest and using the results to grow a new forest in order to better impute the data. o In GROW mode, the application now outputs both the in-bag and OOB summary imputed values. o An additional split rule 'randomsplit' has been implemented. See the documentation for more details. o The split rule 'logrankscore' is now calculated correctly. o The split rule 'logrankapprox' has been removed and replaced by the new split rule 'logrankrandom'. See the documentation for more details. ubk2101 at columbia.edu Udaya B. Kogalur, Ph.D. Kogalur Shear Corporation 5425 Nestleway Drive, Suite L1 Clemmons, NC 27012 _______________________________________________ R-packages mailing list R-packages at r-project.org stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-packages