José Augusto M. de Andrade Junior
2008-Jan-06 00:35 UTC
[R] SVD least squares sub-space projection
Hi all, A good new year for everybody. Could somebody help me on a question? The Singular Value Decomposition of a matrix A gives A = U * D * t(V) I A is a M X N matrix, U is the left singular matrix (M X N), D is a diagonal singular values matrix (N X N) and V is the transpose right singular ortogonal matrix (N X N). By taking the first l columns of V, with gives a (l X l) matrix, i know that i than have a sub-space (R^L)of the original (R^M) space. I know that this sub-space basis is optimal in the least squares sense. The question is: given one 3-dim space generated by 6 vectors (A is a 6X3 matrix), i define a 2-dim orthonormal basis by taking the 2 first columns of V, how i can then project a new 3-dim vector in this 2-dim sub-space just defined? Thanks in advance. Jos? Augusto M. de Andrade Jr. Business Adm. Student University of Sao Paulo - Brazil