I have used a function like this to capture the output on the terminal
to a file:
f.plot <- local({ # this will make PlotNumber 'local' (private)
PlotNumber <- 1 # initialize the plot number (known just to this
return(function(){ # returns the 'function' as the result
file=fileName <- sprintf("%sws.%03d.wmf", RWS_TEMP,
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# the fileName uses RWS_TEMP to determine where to store the plots
width=10, height=7)
cat(fileName, "\n") PlotNumber <<- PlotNumber + 1 #
increment for next plot
invisible(dev.off()) # close the file and don't print return value
This creates a function 'f.plot' that is used as follows: anytime that
I have created a plot, I just call f.plot to make a copy. It
increments the file name automatically:
plot(Time, User, main='plot(Time, User)') # default is 'points'
plot(Time, User, type="l",
main='plot(Time, User, type="l")') # line plot
I assume that I will work for 'png' files. If you don't want output
created, just do
f.plot <- function() invisible(NULL)
On Jan 3, 2008 7:47 PM, Milton Cezar Ribeiro <milton_ruser at
yahoo.com.br> wrote:> Dear all,
> Every time that I need to generate I plot output as figure I use something
> png("myoutput.png")
> plot(rnorm(100)*1.0,col=4)
> points(rnorm(100)*0.5,col=2,pch=0)
> dev.off()
> But now I need to generate a lot of outputs and it could not be done in a
for looping where I can change the names. So I would like to know if is there a
way of I automatically redirect the output from my screen to a png file, and the
name of the generated files follow a prefix and a numeration like
myoutput001.png / myoutput002.png....
> Byt the way, my example is with plot, but I will use plot(x), image(x),
points(x), lines(x) etc.
> Any idea?
> Kind regards
> Miltinho
> Brazil
> para armazenamento!
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