Hello, I have a problem when making packages with version 2.6.1. I have a package which I could install in version 2.5.1. I have made some modifications of the package, and I would like to install it to 2.6.1. I check the package with R CMD check, I build it with R CMD build and when I try to install it it gives me an error, it tries to install something like R.css and tells me that cannot open the DESCRIPTION file. Then, I made the same procedure with version 2.5.1 and it worked fine. I am using Windows Vista and I changed the PATH environment variable to version 2.6.1. Any suggestion to solve the problem? Best regards, Dani -- Daniel Valverde Saub? Grup de Biologia Molecular de Llevats Facultat de Veterin?ria de la Universitat Aut?noma de Barcelona Edifici V, Campus UAB 08193 Cerdanyola del Vall?s- SPAIN Centro de Investigaci?n Biom?dica en Red en Bioingenier?a, Biomateriales y Nanomedicina (CIBER-BBN) Grup d'Aplicacions Biom?diques de la RMN Facultat de Bioci?ncies Universitat Aut?noma de Barcelona Edifici Cs, Campus UAB 08193 Cerdanyola del Vall?s- SPAIN +34 93 5814126