Hi all,
first of all, I'm not an expert on R, I'm still learning, so sorry if
this is a stupid question...
I have a large dataset that is to big for my computer memory, and I found quite
useful the package biglm. Now everything is working perfectly. But if I want the
residuals, how I can do it?
Let's say that we are running the example:
> data(trees)> ff<-log(Volume)~log(Girth)+log(Height)> >
chunk1<-trees[1:10,]> chunk2<-trees[11:20,]>
chunk3<-trees[21:31,]> > a <- biglm(ff,chunk1)> a <-
update(a,chunk2)> a <- update(a,chunk3)> > summary(a)Large data
regression model: biglm(ff, chunk1)Sample size = 31 Coef (95%
CI) SE p(Intercept) -6.632 -8.231 -5.032 0.800 0log(Girth) 1.983 1.833
2.133 0.075 0log(Height) 1.117 0.708 1.526 0.204 0
Now, how I can obtain the residuals ?
Thanks in advance,
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