The latest version of R did not make it in the recently released Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon. As the title says, packages for version 2.6.0 of R are currently making their way to the CRAN mirrors. From the head of the README file: ====R packages for Ubuntu on i386 are available. The plans are to support at least the latest two Ubuntu releases and the latest LTS release. As of October 2007, these are Gutsy Gibbon (7.10), Feisty Fawn (7.04) and Dapper Drake (6.06), respectively. Up-to-date packages for version 2.6.0 of R for Edgy Eft (6.10) remain available, but support for this Ubuntu release is being phased out for the next R release. ==== See for the complete file. Ubuntu users who have not already done so should consider subscribing to the R-SIG-Debian mailing list where Debian (and Ubuntu) issues are discussed and where such announcements are usually posted. Please report any problems using the binary packages to me. Vincent Goulet, Associate Professor ?cole d'actuariat Universit? Laval, Qu?bec Vincent.Goulet at