What is the error message? What does 'str(MyData)' show? I read your
data in and it worked fine.
> x <- read.table(textConnection(" name value times
+ 1 A1 2 2006-05-12
+ 2 A2 3 2006-05-16
+ 3 A3 1 2006-05-12
+ 4 A4 4 2006-05-12
+ 5 A5 2 2006-05-16
+ 6 A6 1 2006-05-12"), header=TRUE)> str(x)
'data.frame': 6 obs. of 3 variables:
$ name : Factor w/ 6 levels "A1","A2","A3",..: 1
2 3 4 5 6
$ value: int 2 3 1 4 2 1
$ times: Factor w/ 2 levels "2006-05-12","2006-05-16": 1 2
1 1 2 1> x$times <- as.POSIXct(as.character(x$times))
> str(x)
'data.frame': 6 obs. of 3 variables:
$ name : Factor w/ 6 levels "A1","A2","A3",..: 1
2 3 4 5 6
$ value: int 2 3 1 4 2 1
$ times:'POSIXct', format: chr "2006-05-12"
"2006-05-12" "2006-05-12" ...> plot(x$times, x$value) # works fine
On 9/26/07, Samuel Okoye <samuoko at yahoo.com>
wrote:> Hello,
> I have got the following problem:
> > setwd("C:/temp")
> > library(xlsReadWrite)
> > MyData <- read.xls(file="Mappe1.xls", colNames =
TRUE,dateTimeAs = "isodatetime")
> > attach(MyData)
> > MyData
> name value times
> 1 A1 2 2006-05-12
> 2 A2 3 2006-05-16
> 3 A3 1 2006-05-12
> 4 A4 4 2006-05-12
> 5 A5 2 2006-05-16
> 6 A6 1 2006-05-12
> > plot(times,value)
> Error........
> Could you help me please?
> Thanks alot,
> Samuel
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Cincinnati, OH
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What is the problem you are trying to solve?